Thursday, February 23, 2023

Yet another white February

Februarys on average have been the snowiest month at our 760' home over the past eight years. This month has lived up to its reputation - though it took its time. 

Last week brought about 3 inches of snow to our hill-top, which kept itself chilled on the driveway. I finally shoveled it off after two days of waiting (upsetting my piriformis muscle, oops!) and it melted off swiftly, allowing for a shopping trip.

Yesterday we had another 3" storm. A small bit of low pressure visited the north Oregon coast all day, spinning 10" into NWS Portland and 6" or more to Vancouver. No shopping today!

And now the trifecta: 2-5" is forecast for late Sat through Sunday?!? After that comes a few days of overnight snow and afternoon rain.

Hm. Saturday will be a popular shopping day..

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