Friday, January 17, 2025


Looking ahead, not back

mid-Jan 2025

The Lumix S5 kit is ready for 2025! 
Sony and Pentax* systems have left the building. 

The newest addition is a used Lumix-S 85/1.8. So much for my perpetual search for the Pentax-M 85/2 that's been ongoing for about six months! The plan was finding a 35mm first, but a Pentax 40xs will do fine.. for now.

One bit of backsliding though:
a silver E-M1 has once again taken over as custodian of the μ43 kit, with the 14-140mm, ZD70-300mm and native (10-50mm) primes. I tried hard to love the G100 and its fine 20Mpx sensor, but it just wouldn't do; so much for one App to Rule Them All, and live in-body charging with µ43.

*Pentax is still represented by its 28+40+50+70+135mm primes, plus PK-mount zooms from Rikenon (70-150/4) and Focal (80-200/3.5). These can be used straight up on either system - or with a 0.71x speed-booster on μ43 bodies! That means the Focal mutates into a 55-140mm f/2.5 (112-285mm/eq) - wow! Bulky though.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

My First Sensor Bath

Until now I've been able to dislodge dust with a squeeze blower. Last week I took many images at the local park/lake and after further review, I saw spots! 

When I saw the images I knew just what to do - until I saw the spots. These were not dusty bits holding on to the sensor glass by electrostatic magic, they were once-liquid blobs. Like rain on a windshield. I dabbed at them gently but they were not persuaded to leave, and once I applied a touch more pressure I had a smear. 

It was clearly time for a wet cleaning!

I was not afraid of the process, but it hadn't been necessary until now. I learned that newer designs like rakes are common now, and my kit arrived in a short time.

The kit was simple, just a cleaning solution and a dozen or so long-handled rake/trowel thingies each wrapped individually. Two drops on each side, a swipe back and forth at a rather shallow angle (no poking!), and .. done!

I'm not sure if the camera came to me that way; I should think I looked at the sensor last month when the S⁵ first arrived but I'm not certain. And I don't know what the firm liquid was: I remember the Nikon D600 and its oil issues, but I'd expect the odds of oil spatter is much greater on an SLR than a mirror-free design.

But what do I know about it? Can't believe everything I read in the virtual world. Not even my own work, especially when I claim to own the perfect kit and will shop no more. Oopz.

I shall be watching my sensor more closely now!