Thursday, February 25, 2021

La Niña takes the lead

 It's been an up-and-down season for snowpack in our area, but the late-season burst that is common in La Niña winters has shown up. Our 15" snowfall is down to a few foot-size lumps, but in the mountains it's been less prone to melting!

All my happy places are doing well, other than the Sierra Nevada. Still time to work that out too, but it's lagging in most southern basins. Nice to see western Wyoming doing well; the Wind River Range is as special to me (and the same distance away!) as the Sierra, and that timberline granite is such a cool place to  be..

Anyway - the state of Washington is comfortably white in the high country, and Oregon is just around average in the Cascades. Nothing drastic looks imminent in the summer as far as drought; wildfires have become something else entirely and are independent of snowpack.

Hopefully this summer will prove to be very unlike that last, when Covid-19 destroyed all plans and travel was frowned upon. 
Let us all hope for a different summer.

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