Welcome to my L-mount era.
The price of Lumix S-series bodies has now reached a level that I can make a change. This brings me
- every feature I can imagine using,
- plus a few that I can't (mostly video),
- Better battery life than the α7r², a
- far more complete choice of aspect ratios for stills,
- file sizes that I am less uncomfortable creating (well maybe not the S1 r),
- a touchscreen..
- and a menu system that vaguely resembles the GX7 screens that I know pretty well.
But how to choose a new body from the Lumix 24x36 choices?
I thought of the S1 and its 2xtilt screen, but the size and weight were too much to bear.. so it appears that the original S5 is the right one for me. Used ones are available at nice prices since the S5ii arrived. And who really needs the new stuff, anyway?
Well, video people will: internal fan, exotic 4k and even 6k options (available as photo modes on the s5.i), a better viewfinder which = lower battery life. Real-time USB power.. well that would be nice. No thanks, I'm good with the S5!
Err - open gate (aka full-sensor) video does what, exactly? Oops, I read about it.
I'm the guy who carried a film camera with a decently large lens and a Mini-DV camcorder in the mid-90s - while backpacking! I even tried taking stills with the camcorder, which saved truly awful 2k stills onto an SD card; man those were the days.
It has always surprised me that I do so little video with my large-sensor cameras. The main reason I dislike current hybrid-cam video is that ratio: I really dislike the 16x9 ratio for video! For a while I kept the Pentax K-7 which actually did shoot 3:2 video, but that was before .mp4 and good video compression; the .mov files were Huge. Not ideal at all. I searched many brands for my kind of video format, and even bought the α7ii in part because it shot 3:2 - turned out it was a compressed /anamorphic setting that still played back at16:9. Ugh.
And now I understand the 'open gate' setting. Not merely a cute moniker for video geeks, it's actually what I have sought for years! Everything from the sensor but in a ~6k video. A 4:3 ratio in µ43 Videographers use the full dataset to recompose in 1:1 or 9:16 phone format, but I just want to shoot what I see and not drag in extraneous info that lurks on the far edges. I also like to see the sky in my videos!
S1 and S5 users have informed me about the 6k Photo mode, which has apparently changed beginning with the S5ii. It can go up to 10 minutes as a video format in the older bodies. The 4k Photo can also be used this way. Yay!!
I had a long look at the S5² and the new S9 too. These have some advantages but also the disadvantage of being newer and so more expensive. I can afford an S5 and 20-60, or something newer and no native lens. No thanks.
OK, so a used s5 plus a lens.. hm. The easy choice is the 20-60, but do I want that first? I have Pentax 28-40-50-70-85²-135 primes, so I can use the x-wide zoom and three primes. I can also make do with the Rikenon /PK 70-150 f/4 (assuming the K-L adapter arrives soon!). I'd been considering the Lumix 28-200 or 70-300, or even the 70-200/4 L-enses, but even used those are rather spendy. Adding a few hundred $$ for the s5ß would kill the lens fund for now.
¹ The 85/2 is missing in action. Well, just missing actually; I can perform no action with it while I'm without it.