Saturday, December 4, 2021



After weeks of absurd 'heat' and plenty of tropical rainfall, a storm is sliding down the BC coastline for us late on Sunday. It's the classic alignment for low-level snow, but the heat of the past is definitely a hindrance. Current NWS forecast does manage to drop snow to 900 feet though - which is mighty close to us on the hill-top!

Today's WRF snow forecast shows the Willapa Hills catching measurable amounts - so we'll be watching the deck tomorrow night as the elements clash for dominance. It will be close, and after so many days in the mid-50s and higher it will be a change for certain.

BTW November ended at 15.74 inches, easily our wettest November since moving here. Yesterday was a pretty day with sunshine and minimal breeze, but today is a drizzle festival with amounts crawling slowly toward a half-inch.

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