Tuesday, January 10, 2023

A New Year's Dream

It was very sobering to be tottering about in a hospital,  pretending to be an old guy - and I had plenty to contemplate in the nights of uncomfortable, cpap-deprived sleep.

The easy topic of self flagellation is the pile of camera gear that sits in a back room, awaiting serious pruning. It's time to derail the camera train that visits our porch, settle down and raise some great images. The act of switching systems is expensive, exhausting and takes time away from learning and using the gear at hand. 

It's nuts!

I've had sufficiently excellent gear since my K-5 a decade ago. I've had a dozen or more equally great ones since then, and I have a fairly new one now with more life on its shutter than I probably do. 

  • Pick a setup, 
  • sell the rest, 
  • don't look back!


Another change has happened with the new year. My weather station's batteries died while I was in the hospital, and no way could it justify sending my wife into a 2" downpour to swap batteries. Given a fairly new station a mile down the road from us (one that includes data my station does not), I'm now just taking data from that site and have taken down site KWALONGV31 /Coal Creek Crest. 

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