Saturday, September 12, 2020

rain? Yes please

As summer wanes and the jet stream reawakens, the dry days of our local summer begin to break down. Given our crazy smoke and fires of the past ten days, we'll gladly take the change! The map here shows the next week could bring us over an inch of rainfall, which along with the onshore flow will take the wildfires down several notches as they are forced back to areas that have already burned the available combustibles. The rain doesn't get much past the Cascades, and the jet stream will not  be visiting California soon - so for now only WA/OR will get the benefits.

Once the danger has passed I can finally cook on the grille outside, maybe even mow the dandelions!

Looks like our area gets a good soaking - until you see what TS/Hurricane Sally has in store for Louisana..

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